Do you have materials for test preparation or skills?
Through the PrepStep database, available from the library, you have access to tutorials, practice tests, articles, ebooks and test preparation materials.
Find PrepStep database
You will access PrepStep from the library homepage (
From the library homepage, click on Choose Database
In the alphabetical list of databases, choose “P” and find PrepStep
Click on PrepStep to go to the database
Register an account
The first time you use PrepStep you will register an account with your DMACC email address.
Once you’re in the database, click on Sign In/Register
Follow steps to register with required information and use your DMACC email address
Search for practice tests
Now that you created an account, you can access PrepStep material.
Log in to your PrepStep account and search for the name of the test (e.g. TEAS) in the search bar
Choose the practice test you’d like to take from the search results
Keep track of your progress/activity
You can keep track of the practice tests and other resources you use in your My Center.
Click on the dropdown arrow by your name in the upper-right hand corner
Click on My Center
Review the practice tests you’ve completed, your progress, and resume a test you saved