How do instructors search Swank to see if they have a title I'd like the library to license?


Faculty need to login before they can search the Swank catalog.  Once you are logged in follow these easy steps:



Step 1:  You can use the search bar in the top right corner:


Step 1:  You can use the search bar in the top right corner:



Step 2:  After you enter the film title and hit enter on your keyboard, you will see a results page.  You can click on the graphic/image and go to a page that tells you more about the film. Swank doesn’t have all titles, so it could be that the results page doesn’t display the title you want, because Swank doesn’t have it. 

The Request button allows you to submit a request for adding the film to our collection:



The request comes to the library where it is considered for approval, and then forward on to the vendor.  Usually only takes 1-2 days for the films to appear in our Swank collection. 


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 35
  • Answered By Rebecca Funke

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